lunes, 26 de febrero de 2018

Creating a digital Badge

At last I have finished my badge linked to my learning mission "Playing our favorite tunes". Here it is:

To earn this badge, students of 2 ESO will create and deliver a video tutorial using technology and digital applications.
The artefact  that will show that students met the criteria   is a video-tutorial shared on a public blog or eportfolio.

Here you can find More information:

miércoles, 21 de febrero de 2018


My weekly challenge consists of creating a learning mission challenge by transforming a simple and tedious activity into a meaningful activity for the students. The Original assignment was learning and practicing a sheet music recorder song from the textbook. Instead of playing songs that students don't like and therefore, get bored quickly, my proposal is askng them for their favorite already known songs and teaching them to their classmates through a video tutorial. This way they are motivated with the subject, having fun, using tech tools meaningfully and empowering themselves in class. Here below you can find my learning mission challenge presentation. Enjoy!! PLAYING OUR FAVORITE TUNES

martes, 13 de febrero de 2018



Today I've made my debut as a future goal minded teacher and my first goal was achieving different  challenges like:
  • Setting up  a blog as my personal portfolio on blogger 
  • Sharing with the Mooc comunity a goal minded tip on Twitter 
  • Pinpointing my location in a map
  • Introducing myself with a  image on twitter
Setting up my blog was a manageable  task due to my experience in  other courses and training technology workshops. During this course I'll create new spaces to share Ideas and resources with my peer group in order to get their useful feedback.

Using avatars and stickers to get to know each other or social networks to spread students work have lots of benefits when we use them in terms of motivating and improving learning skills.

I usually use a learning journal in class with my students when we work on different projects because I find it a good tool to motivate and provide ongoing feedback during their  formative assessment. 

Apart from creating avatars to introduce oneself I encourage my students to create presentations with Powtoon. This is my current year presentation:

To sum up, I'm happy with my first outcomes and I'm willing to improve them in the following weeks.
By the way, my name is Elaine, I live in Madrid (Spain) and  I'm a music teacher.

By for now!!